VDV-Recommendation736-2 „Handling of SITUATION Management (UmS) – Standardised Exchange of SITUATIONs with the European Norm CEN/TS 15531-5 'SIRI' - Part 2: Description of the SIRI-SX Specification“[PDF]

VDV-Recommendation736-2 „Handling of SITUATION Management (UmS) – Standardised Exchange of SITUATIONs with the European Norm CEN/TS 15531-5 SIRI - Part 2: Description of the SIRI-SX Specification“[PDF]
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VDV-Recommendation736-2 „Handling of SITUATION Management (UmS) – Standardised Exchange of SITUATIONs with the European Norm CEN/TS 15531-5 SIRI - Part 2: Description of the SIRI-SX Specification“[PDF]
VDV-Recommendation736-2 „Handling of SITUATION Management (UmS) – Standardised Exchange of SITUATIONs with the European Norm CEN/TS 15531-5 SIRI - Part 2: Description of the SIRI-SX Specification“[PDF]
VDV-Recommendation736-2 „Handling of SITUATION Management (UmS) – Standardised Exchange of SITUATIONs with the European Norm CEN/TS 15531-5 SIRI - Part 2: Description of the SIRI-SX Specification“[PDF]
VDV-Recommendation736-2 „Handling of SITUATION Management (UmS) – Standardised Exchange of SITUATIONs with the European Norm CEN/TS 15531-5 SIRI - Part 2: Description of the SIRI-SX Specification“[PDF]
VDV-Recommendation736-2 „Handling of SITUATION Management (UmS) – Standardised Exchange of SITUATIONs with the European Norm CEN/TS 15531-5 SIRI - Part 2: Description of the SIRI-SX Specification“[PDF]
VDV-Recommendation736-2 „Handling of SITUATION Management (UmS) – Standardised Exchange of SITUATIONs with the European Norm CEN/TS 15531-5 SIRI - Part 2: Description of the SIRI-SX Specification“[PDF]

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Lieferzeit: 1 Werktag
Art.Nr.: K1736-2_2022Epdf
GTIN/EAN: K1736-2_2022Epdf
HAN: K1736-2_2022Epdf
Hersteller: VDV
Mehr Artikel von: VDV



VDV-Recommendation736-2 „Handling of SITUATION Management (UmS) –
Standardised Exchange of SITUATIONs with the European Norm CEN/TS 15531-5 'SIRI' -
Part 2: Description of the SIRI-SX Specification“ [PDF]
Release 9/2022

Consistent and seamless passenger information - as passengers expect from transport associations and
companies today - has been recognised as one of the most important quality features of public transport.
The workflows and information flows between real-time communication and information platforms (VDV431)
and ITCS must be harmonised, particularly in the event of operational changes and disruptions. Vendor-specific
solutions are available, but only cover parts of the process chain and are linked via proprietary interfaces, if at
Disruption management in public transport and the timely and consistent provision of information to
passengers on all information channels are a major challenge and will always remain so. With SIRI-SX, CEN
defined a standard many years ago to fulfil this task. Some of the definitions in the European standard were
very open, with the result that various solutions were realised that are not compatible with each other.
This VDV Recommendation 736-2 supports transport companies in providing comprehensive, structured
passenger information in the event of a disruption. At the same time, this becomes more precise thanks to the
way in which the defined data elements are used.

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